F1-16. Privilege of Grand Duke Casimir Jagiellonian of Lithuania to the town of Vilnius
1440 11 18
Grand Duke Casimir Jagiellonian of Lithuania allows Vilnius inhabitants, according to the old custom, to trade in the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania without paying customs duties.
Ad Mandatum Magnifici Gastoldi Trocensis Palatini;
The lesser red wax seal of Lithuania in a protective wax bowl, attached with a string of cherry thread. Diameter 32 mm.
Latin; 1 f.;
19,5x32+5,2 cm;
11,5x21,6 cm; 18 rows.
The parchment decayed and ink faded along the folds. The first letter has a blot of an unknown origin. Underwent repairs in 2002.
The first letter of the intitulatio is enlarged.
The label of Vilnius Public Library is on the reverse of the parchment.
ZPP, p.6; SDGA, t.1, p.6, nr.5; DaniĆowicz, t.2, p.174, nr.1768; ORO, t.3, p.2, nr.16; Jasas, p. 34, nr.49.